Our father


Our father

stand by us

in the gathering gloom

and preserve us from doom


thou who art in haeven

for the meek make a stand

hallowed be thy name

we march in thy command


thy kingdom come

across the sea

and free us, thy creatures

our time is upon us


thy will be done

no pills and no condoms

and no children

before marriage


on the battlefield

as it is in haeven

we will make certain thou art



give us this day

our daily bread

we’ll share the booty

with the Brits


and forgive us

our tactics

and hold thy hand above our

boys in khaki


as we forgive

all those who kneel down before us

and who are prepared to sing

in our chorus


and lead us

to the weapons of mass destruction

so we can justify

the reconstruction


and deliver us

from evildoers

before we

do it ourselves


for thine is the kingdom

and ours is the pipeline

oil for all of Christendom

now wouldn’t that be fine


and the power

to win this war

and to prep for the

next shot


and the glory

of the planets

and the winner

takes the lot


for ever thine

let us triumph in thy sign

though we are but men




Translated by Rafaël Newman